Economy, Commerce, Agriculture, Fisheries
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Fishery research programs: establish additional fund for (see bill S. 1230). 3302.
- Agriculture: feed grains price support bill. 3720-3725.
- State alcoholic beverage agencies: clarify application of antitrust laws to certain contracts by (see bill S. 1247), 3855.
- Area redevelopment bill, 4032, 4033.
- Domestic and foreign industries: adjust conditions of competition between certain (see bill S. 1735), 6778.
- U.S. agricultural workers: protect employment opportunities of (see bill S. 1945), 9091.
- Federal-aid highway bill (H.R. 6713), to amend, 10223.
- Portland Harbor, Maine: authorize improvement of (see bill S. 2394), 15216.
- Farm Credit Act: amend, 16456, 16457.
- Mexican farm labor: bill (H.R. 2010) to protect, 18781.
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Committee on National Fuels Study (Special): create (see S. Res. 105), 3700.
- Residual fuel oil: import restrictions, 18340, 18341.
- Environment, Parks, Historic Preservation, Wildlife
- 1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Northeastern Water and Land Resources Compact: consent of Congress to (see bill S. 374), 553.
- Udall, Stewart L.: Cabinet nomination, 1035.
- Douglas, William 0.: speech on natural resources, 6943.
- Natural Resources, by William 0. Douglas, 6944.
- Tellico Plains, Tenn., by Senator Ellender, 9980.
- Federal-aid highway bill (H.R. 6713), to amend, 10223.
- Nursery tree planting: use certain soil bank funds for (see bill S. 2563), 19710.
- Use of Certain Property for State Forestry Work, by, 19710.
- State forestry work: permit certain property to be used for (see bill S. 2638), 21232.
- Letter: Conservation in national forests, to the President, 21243.
- Udall, Stewart L.: tribute, 21334.
- Pleas for a Green Legacy, by Stewart L. Udall, 21334.
- Letter: Maine conservation program, to Governor Baxter, from Secretary Udall, 21334.
National Security/Foreign Affairs
1961 87th Congress, 1st Session
- White Fleet: establish to render emergency assistance to other nations (see bill S. 324),465.
- Foreign Service Academy: establish (see bill S. 407), 1392.
- Coffin, Frank M.: nominated Director of the Development Loan Fund, 1722.
- Editorial: Coffin To Direct Development Loan Fund, from Maine newspapers, 1723, 1724.
- Letter: Peace Corps proposals, to Sargent Shriver, from, 3790.
- Peace Corps, creation of, 3790, 3791.
- White Fleet: establish to render emergency aid to other nations (see S. Res. 154), 9086.
- Cuba: Castro's offer to trade prisoners for bulldozers, 9130.
- Income tax: deductions for contributions to Castro tractor fund, 9131.
- Foreign Aid Objectives, by Secretary Rusk, at Conference on International Economic and Social Development, 10754.
- Leahy: launching of, 12012.
- Launching of the Leahy, by Senator Mansfield, 12012.
- Mansfield, Mrs. Mike: tribute to, 12012.
- United Nations: strengthen authority to prevent war (see S. Con.Res. 37), 14475.
- Appointment to International Parliamentary Union, 14815.
- Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (S. 1983) authorize, 15434-15440.
- Foreign Assistance: borrowing authority, 15434-15437.
- Foreign Aid Planning Vital, from Lewiston Daily Sun, 16438.
- Disarmament Agency for World Peace and Security, 18754.
- Memorandum: annual review of development lending program by Appropriations Committee, 19538.
Human Resources Programs
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- AMVETS' National Convention, by Harold Russell, A7086.
- Unemployment: alleviate conditions of in certain areas (see bill S. 1), 138.
- Veterans: grant national service life insurance to certain (see bill S. 977), 3048.
- Education: program of financial assistance for (see bill S. 1021). 3048
- Television: grants to States for educational use of, 4364.
- Public health services: simplify grants-in-aid to States for (see bill S. 1467), 5103.
- Public Health Service programs: handling of Federal grants, 5104.
- Education: Federal aid bill, 8444, 8528, 8743,9051.
- U.S. agricultural workers: protect employment opportunities of (see bill S. 1945), 9091.
- Right-to-work legislation: position of Presbyterian Church, 10609, 13007.
- Labor-Management Relations, by Presbyterian Church, 10610.
- Report: Right-to-Work Laws. by United Presbyterian Church, 13007.
- Presbyterian Church: right-to-work legislation, 10609,13007.
- NLRB: backlog of cases, 13024.
- Deaf persons: educational and training films for, 14405, 18443, 18444.
- Departments of Labor, and Health, Education, and Welfare appropriation bill (H.R. 7035), 14405.
- Public welfare personnel, 14405.
- Deaf: educational and training films for (see bill S. 2511), 18443.
- Text of bill: films for deaf persons, 18443.
- Letter: Films for deaf persons, from Sterling McMurrin, 18444.
- Mexican farm labor: bill (H.R. 2010) to protect, 18781.
- Education: federally impacted areas, 18950, 18962-18965, 19045.
- Education: federally Impacted areas, includes entire country, 18965.
- Educational television, 19087.
- Educational TV, by Kenneth G. Larrabbee, 19087-19089.
Governmental Affairs
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Woodrow Wilson Memorial Commission, create (see S.J.Res.51), 2157
- Federal estate tax: increase credit against for estate taxes paid to States (see bill 1344),3850.
- Inheritance and estate taxes: Federal-State coordination of, 3853.
- Loveless, Herschel: nomination to Renegotiation Board, 4099.
- Postal rates: adjust (see bills S. 1812, 2382), 7280, 14647.
- Reorganization Plan No. 1 (SEC), 10998-11000.
- Funston, Keith: statements by, 10999.
- Reorganization Plan No. 4 (FTC), 11736, 11737.
- Reorganization Plan No. 4: questions and answers of Chairman Dixon relative to, 11736.
- Reorganization Plan No. 3 (CAB), 11747.
- Grants-in-aid to States: periodic congressional review of (see bill S. 2286), 12965.
- States: congressional review of grants-in-aid programs for, 12969.
- Grants-in-aid programs: congressional review, 12969.
- Reorganization Plan No. 5 (NLRB), 13024, 13027.
- Analysis of Reorganization Plan No. 5 (NLRB), by National Labor Relations Board, 13025.
- Telegrams: Reorganization Plan No. 5 (sundry), 13026.
- Independent offices appropriation bill (H.R. 7445),14142,14143.
- General Services Administration: restore funds to Transportation and Public Utilities Service (Proxmire amendment), 14142, 14143.
- Government Corporation Control Act, 15437.
- Committee on Government Operations, 18312.
Constitutional Law, Civil Rights, Civil Law
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- This Is My Country, before the Florida Civil Liberties Union by, 258.
- Berryman, William L., for relief (see bill S. 591),1265.
- Coolidge, Osvaldo R., for relief (see bill S.590),1265.
- Simonian, Nishan Der, for relief (see bill S.592),1265.
- Qualifications of electors: amend Constitution relative to (see S.J. Res. 58), 3446.
- Hegyi, Istvan and Paula, for relief (see bill S. 1531), 5447.
- Kaszap, Terez: recommit bill for relief of, 9977.
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Hennings, Thomas C.: eulogy, 2696.
- Hope, Bob: present gold medal to (see S.J. Res. 88), 7925.
- Baker, Robert G.: awarded degree, 9958.
- Cormier, Lucia M.: tribute to, 12621.
- Rayburn, Sam: present gold medal to (see S.J. Res. 133), 18869.
- Russell, Harold: tribute, A7086.
Senate Rules, Procedures, Assignments, Housekeeping
1961 87th Congress, 1st Session
- Appointed on committee, 467.
- Joint Committee on the Budget: establish (see bill S. 529). 1067.
- Congress: provide for summer recess of (see S. Con. Res. 16), 3302.
- Congress: summer recess for, 3370.
- Cannon, Howard: promotion to brigadier general, 3471.
- Committee on National Fuels Study (Special): create (see S. Res. 105), 3700.
- Remarks by Senator Humphrey regarding views on unemployment compensation bill, 4532.
- Appointed on commission, 4958.
- Remarks by Senator Mansfield regarding absence from vote on unemployment compensation bill, 5194.
- Appointed conferee, 5328, 11268.
- Committee on Veterans' Affairs: create (see S. Res. 134), 7039.
- Bills passed over, 9109, 9111, 9980, 12646, 12649, 12650, 16446-16449, 16453, 16454.
- Smith, Margaret Chase: rollcall record set by, 10546.
- Mansfield, Mike: tribute, 12652.
- Hayden, Carl: sympathy on death of wife (see S. Res. 166*), 11254.
- Designated Acting President pro tempore, 11961
- Senate Shows Hushed New Look -- A Tribute to Mansfield, by Russell Baker. 12652.
- Declaration on Rule XXII, by, 19830.
Budget, Taxes, Fiscal Policy
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Joint Committee on the Budget: establish (see bill S. 529). 1067.
- Federal estate tax: increase credit against for estate taxes paid to States (see bill 1344),3850.
- Inheritance and estate taxes: Federal-State coordination of, 3853.
- Letter: Banking monopolies, from Senator Robertson, 9099.
- Letter: Banking monopolies, from Maine Banking Commissioner Carleton Bradbury,9099.
- Silver: permit operation of free market for (see bill S. 2420), 15882.
- Federal Loan Act: amend, 16456, 16457.
Trade, Export Subsidies, Tariffs
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Meriwether, Charles M.: nomination to Export-Import Bank, 3363.
- Textile industry problems, 4376-4379, 12560.
- Foreign Trade, before the National Shoe Manufacturers Association, by, 4377.
- Foreign trade policies, 4378, 4379.
- Domestic and foreign industries: adjust conditions of competition between certain (see bill S. 1735), 6778.
- Orderly marketing bill, 6792.
- Foreign trade: orderly marketing bill, 6792-6794.
- Table: import levels under Orderly Marketing Act, 6794.
- Letter: Textile imports, by James R. Franklin, 12560.
Housing, Urban Renewal, Economic Development
1961 1st Session, 87th Congress
- Why Urban Renewal? from Walterville Sentinel, A6533.
- Cash, James B.: FHA appointment, 1638.
- Semer, Milton P.: Kennedy appointment, 1638
- Housing Act of 1961: bill (S. 1922), 9756.
- Federal Limited-Profit Mortgage Corporation: establish, 9756.