August 2, 1961
Page 14405
The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H.R. 7035) making appropriations for the
Departments of Labor and Health, Education, and Welfare, and related agencies, for the fiscal
year ending June 30, 1962, and for other purposes.
Mr. MUSKIE. Mr. President, I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation of
two modifications made by the Committee on Appropriations in H.R. 7035, the pending
appropriation bill. I was gratified, first, by the action of the Appropriations Committee in
approving a modest but necessary increase in the appropriation for captioned films for the deaf in
the Office of Education. Last year we appropriated $185,000 for this program, out of a possible
authorization of $250,000. In the budget request submitted January 16, 1961, the administration
did not request an increase in this amount. The Appropriations Committee added $65,000 to the
salaries and expenses account, as passed by the House, to bring the captioned films appropriation
to the full amount authorized for this important program.
The captioned films for the deaf program was authorized under Public Law 85-905. It has been in
operation for slightly more than a year, captioning, leasing and distributing films for use by deaf
persons. Some 600 groups of deaf persons are registered for the loan of about 40 film titles, and
it is estimated that more than 80,000 viewers have seen the films.
All the films distributed to date have been entertainment films. Approximately 45 additional
titles are in preparation and should be distributed this fall. In addition, the Office of Education is
negotiating for the production of about a dozen educational films in the area of science. Despite
the fact that the program has offered no educational films to date, schools are the largest users of
captioned films. Many schools are using a film a week, and the demand is even greater.
In his testimony before the House Appropriations Committee, Commissioner of Education
Sterling M. McMurrin said that his Office could use, to great advantage, the full amount
authorized under the basic act. It is my hope that the additional $65,000 provided by the Senate
committee will be approved by the Senate, and that these funds will be directed toward the
expansion of films for educational purposes.
There are 250,000 deaf persons in the United States. I believe $1 a year for each of these persons
is a very modest investment in their educational and cultural opportunities.
Mr. President, as a former Governor of the State of Maine, I am aware of the great problem in
securing qualified personnel to act as caseworkers in the social welfare field. It is my firm
conviction that so long as we do not improve our training programs for such personnel, we will
not be meeting the full needs of welfare programs, and we will be condemning ourselves to
continue expenditures for maintenance purposes without alleviating the conditions which cause
many of our social problems.
The program for training public welfare personnel was initiated in 1956, when Congress
authorized special grants to the States. This program was to terminate on June 30, 1962. The
amendment contained in Public Law 87-31 continues the program until 1963 and increases the
Federal share to 100 percent.
The need for training public assistance personnel can be demonstrated when one realizes that in
most States a high school graduate can be hired for the job. Such persons usually have neither the
training nor the education to do social casework. They can only be investigators and money
Trained and qualified social case workers would be able to work with recipients of public
assistance to enable them to return to productive jobs, or to cope with their personal and social
problems. Under the present system, with untrained persons in public assistance positions, the
recipients are not receiving help to seek solutions to their problems. They cannot, under most
circumstances, achieve a self-sufficient status.
Another aspect is the impossibility of a student doing graduate work in social casework to hold
down a job. The field study workload is so heavy that students need a fund source to finance their
The administration has requested $3.5 million for this program. The Senate committee has
approved a $2 million appropriation. While I would have preferred the larger amount, I support
the committee in its recommendation.